How to choose the right Sand for your project {Full resource guide}

Day to day ongoing basis we get asked this question like how many different types of sand there is or which sand is suitable for my project, or what is a difference in a different type of sand or what is plaster sand, brickies sand, Paving sand, M20 sand, Fill sand, Silica sand, whitewash sand, Grit sand.
Sand is an extremely fine aggregate used in many different applications. What most people don’t realize is that not all sands are created equal, and some are best used for certain applications instead of others As we explain.
Brickies Sand
Brickies Sand Also known as (Bricklaying Sand) is a mixture of sand and High content of clay Also known as fatty sand. This is commonly used in a mortar to lay the bricks. When mixed with cement it becomes more workable and retains a high amount of water content.
Lime is also added to improve workability. Lime makes mortar more plastic, enabling it to be more workable. Increasing the lime content in the mortar makes it easier to lay low suction bricks.
Mortar primarily exists to give the wall flexibility so, in the event of movement, the waII maintains integrity. Under extreme movement such as earthquakes, the mortar will crack, thereby releasing the pressure on the wall. This is an example of the mortar doing its job. Repairing the crack rarely requires the wall to be taken down and rebuilt. The use of lime in the mortar mix not only makes the mortar more workable, it can allow small cracks to self-heal.
Plaster sand
Plaster sand is used to render the brickwork on the exterior walls to protect from hi UV rays and also used for aesthetic appeal. It is also used inside of the homes to achieve a smoother finish. once render applied thin coat of white set applied on top to give a smooth finish. Plaster plays a great role in soundproofing and also protect from weather elements.

generally in the lower minimal clay and fines area from the quarries. Plaster sand is a perfect blend of high clay content and low clay content to create the required plasticity for plastering sand.
Plastering sand is low in clay content it is also used in landscaping in outdoor structures.
Paving sand
As the name suggest paving sand is used to install pavers in the driveway or patio area. A coarse, fine graded multi-purpose sand, similar to Screened brickies Sand that offers a strong foundation for pavers, concrete slabs, and blocks, and fills spaces in all kinds of paving, is called paving sand. This sand also has a Blend of clay content to ensure Structural integrity for a long period of time.

We have created full guide how to install pavers in paving sand.
M20 Sand
M 20 Sand is produced by crushing larger stone or gravels into finer particles. It is typically used in asphalt and concrete mixes, this sand also can be used for drainage. Craker dust is also a great substitute form 20 sand in some cases.
Fill sand
As the name suggests this sand is used for backfilling trenches, house pads, and used in high-rise buildings, Fill sand has the right amount of clay and PH similar to natural sand.Hens why it retains a high level of compaction and retains the integrity of the foundation. Fill sand used under house slab, under road base construction, used in concrete mixes, the base for commercial concrete slab pours.
Silica Sand
There are great uses of Silica sand in commercial sectors from playground to glass manufacturing. Silica sand is a widely available product in western Australia.

How silica sand is used depends on physical, chemical, and mechanical characteristics such as grain size, shape, colour, structure, and distribution.
Play grounds
Silica sand is used for Putting green on golf courses, as well as for natural and synthetic sports fields. being a natural product it has a great ability to drain well.
industrial use
Silica sand plays a great role in sandblasting. Sandblasting is used to remove old rust, paint, from old equipment to restore new enamel.
Silica sand is a major ingredient in the production of glassmaking, silica is the primary component in standard glass products from windows to Drink bottles. The purity of the silica sand used plays a role in determining the colour, strength and clarity of the final product.
Whitewash sand
Whitewash sand hs numerous the name suggest it runs through multiple washes to make sure to remove clay, slit, and Silica from sand
Whitewash Sand is mainly used in children playground, Aquariums, drainage cell, Beach Volleyball court. The list Just goes on. this sand is a very clean product.

By now you have fair idea what type of sand you need for you project.
You always need to make sure to use the right product to achieve the best outcome for your if you are unclear about something or need some more information on your particular project you can call us. we will help you to choose the right sand for your project. We also have an online shop for you. Simple 3 steps ordering system which makes the ordering process easy Quicker for you.
As Always Have a great Day Stay Awsome!!
Gary singing out!